I was honored to be invited to be the first speaker in Wave Hill’s horticultural lecture series in the auditorium of the New York School of Interior Design and here I am before the talk with Louis Bauer, Senior Director of Horticulture at Wave Hill and a long friend I have admired for many years. Of course, Louis is in my book having been a protege of Marco Polo Stufano, who was the first director of Horticulture at Wave Hill and is one of the heroes profiled in my book. Louis than went off to do a brilliant job leading the transition of Greenwood from a private estate into a superb public garden and happily returned and is now mentoring other gardeners at Wave Hill himself. A large crowd of over 120 people came and we had a lively exchange during the question and answers after my talk. Sarah Gund, Co-Chair of the board (where I served as a member for 23 years!) kindly hosted a small group of us for dinner after my talk, including my marvelous publisher David R. Godine, justifiably renowned for producing beautiful and important books, and his talented designer wife, Sara Eisenman, who came from Boston to join us. A very memorable and happy evening.