June Garden Visit from Garden Comm (formerly Garden Writers) — June 6, 2019

The day defied the weather forecasters and proved to be beautiful for a visit from a group of Garden Comm members and friends.  They were once called the Garden Writers and I have no idea why the name was changed.  A delightful group organized by Ellen Ecker Ogden shown above on the left with another member of the group, Kathy LaLiberte in the center and me on the right. 







Despite what seemed a long, cold, wet spring, the flowers this year were spectacular!   A special treat to see the lady slippers increasing their population — in an unlikely spot to be seen by visitors but a joy to have at Brush Hill.   They once tumbled down a hillside here but once we added too much good treatment, like irrigation and sunshine, they moved uphill to what seems an unwelcoming spot but perfect for them.  Even though rhododendrons took a beating this winter, our along the driveway worked their magic alongside the showy Viburnum.