Format: Hardcover
ISBN: 978-1-56792-614-9
Size: 7 x 10″
Pages: 272
Published: 2018
HEROES of HORTICULTURE: Americans Who Transformed the Landscape
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Here are the vibrant stories of eighteen heroes of horticulture – institution builders, plant explorers and garden creators who have all had a major impact on the American landscape and our institutions. The book is divided into five sections outlined below.
The first three chapters profile Frank Cabot, Tom Armstrong and Antonia Adezio who worked together to establish The Garden Conservancy, a national organization committed to preserving exceptional American gardens.
Two forceful women are saluted, Elizabeth Barlow Rogers and Lynden B. Miller. Betsy came to the rescue, saving Central Park and establishing The Central Park Conservancy and Lynden, working to enhance public parks and public spaces, set new standards for aesthetics while encouraging wider public use.
These Heroes took on the revitalization of botanic and other public gardens, central to science, education and public enjoyment. Gregory Long and Elizabeth Scholtz were essential leaders of the New York Botanical Garden and Brooklyn Botanic Garden, while Marco Polo Stufano, Stephen F. Byrns and Dr, Richard W. Lightly managed the transitions from private estate to public gardens at Wave Hill, Untermyer Gardens and the Mt. Cuba Center.
These six intrepid plant explorers — Dan Hinkley, Pierre Bennerup, Darrell Probst, Andrew Bunting, Tony Avent and Barry Yinger — have travelled to remote parts of the globe hunting for new plants and working to hybridize and improve them, committed to sharing their discoveries with the public.
These two garden creators, George Schoellkopf of Hollister House Garden and John Fairey of Peckerwood, with the support of The Garden Conservancy have established new public gardens.