For anyone in or traveling to New England, Jana Milbocker’s marvelous new book, The Garden Tourist’s New England: A Guide to 140 Outstanding Gardens and Nurseries, is out and a treasure to have in hand. With beautiful photographs, useful maps, and information about location, size, admission fees, if any, contact information, hours and more, Jana organizes these gardens by state, (Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut). including gardens large and small, public and private, historic and recent, along with nurseries and those offering plants for sale. Jana is herself a talented gardener and the owner of Enchanted Gardens, a landscape design firm in MetroWest Boston. Her earlier book, The Garden Tourist: 120 Destinations Gardens and Nurseries in the Northeast came out in 2018. It is an honor to have Brush Hill included in the gardens of Connecticut. She was kind to quote my enthusiastic description on the back cover of the book and I repeat “Whether you are interested in gardens, art or the sheer pleasure of experiencing beauty, this book is a gift to all of us.”