A happy day of sunshine, a rare event this year, for the visiting group of Detroit Master Gardeners, on Saturday morning, June 22. They arrived more than an hour earlier than planned so I was barely able to rip off my dirty jeans in time to put on clean clothes and race off on my golf cart to open the parking field gate. A huge bus came in minutes later and a marvelously enthusiastic group climbed off to visit the gardens. Here I am above with Pat Cencek, the head organizer of the group of my left and Carol King Platt on my right. Carol is a Connecticut resident but she was the main organizer of this visit and made sure everything went smoothly. Here I am with Carol.
Perhaps because they had been traveling for five days of non-stop rain, everyone was wonderful and happily spread out everywhere. They enjoyed the iced tea and Perrier I offered on the terrace and some of them even bought my book, Heroes of Horticulture. And coming from Michigan, they understood gardening in a cold growing zone!