The d;ay after the Philadelphia Flower Show I was on Monday, March 4, in the Town Hall in Essex, Connecticut for the Essex Garden Club along with members of other neighboring garden clubs who were also invited. Here I am with August Pampel, the Program Chair of the Essex Garden Club, who not only did a marvelous job of organizing the event but introduced me to the miracles of Dropbox and sending him my entire slideshow on Power Point in advance. He is here with me presenting me with the famous Essex Garden Club’s own garlic salt, made by the members each year according to their secret recipe. Our special friend, Mimi Merton was the person behind the event and here she is with me and my husband, Charlie — the two of them friends and colleagues in the American Society of Marine Artists. You can also see Mimi acting as my over-qualified banker as we struggled to figure out how to accept charge cards for sales of my book on my Ipad. Amazing. There was a large and engaged audience and it was a great pleasure to be in their good company.