Happily, it was a lovely day when the Hardy Plant Society Mid-Atlantic Group came to Brush Hill and. after touring the garden, enjoyed a box lunch picnic. Janice Thomas organized the event and the group came mostly from Pennsylvania and Delaware where my husband grew up. They arrived in a huge bus that somehow roared by my garden gate but eventually turned around and it all worked out. It was a delight to be with such enthusiastic and knowledgeable gardeners. Janice is shown above with Charlie in his favorite role — pouring wine for everyone — along with me. I have been a member for years and was particularly happy to meet Jim Bobb who has run their seed exchange for many years. I have always contributed and so appreciated receiving seeds in the exchange contributed by others.
I was so happy that everyone felt at home enough to spread out and enjoy their lunch throughout the garden.
Janice choice a hard stonewall while several others enjoyed the comfortable seats in the Folly. Then many other intrepid souls also endured sitting on stone walls!
Others found the civilized tables and chairs on the south facing and north facing terraces. I was sad to have to say goodby to such good company.