My long time friend and the President of the Horticultural Alliance of the Hamptons, Elaine Peterson, graciously invited me to speak to the group in Bridgehampton. She is herself a superb gardener and is the spouse of one of my most admired and beloved law partners, Richard Kahn. So any chance to see Elaine is always a treat and this talk at the Bridgehampton Community Center was just that. Bettina Benson, who is Treasurer and responsible for organizing programs, worked tirelessly in advance to make the event work smoothly. It was a glorious day, clear blue skies and perfect temperatures. I couldn’t imagine that anyone would want to leave the beach, their garden, or any other outdoor attraction to come inside to listen to me. But a lively and engaged group did come, to my great surprise and relief. Afterwards, I signed books and met several other members named Barbara, including the Barbara I am sitting with.