Hotchkiss Library in Sharon CT — April 28, 2019

On a cold, rainy Sunday afternoon, my long time admired and dear friend, Areta Warren invited me to speak at the Hotchkiss Library in Sharon, Connecticut for their Sunday afternoon series.  Areta is a member of the Library’s board.  My book talk was first scheduled for early March but cancelled at the last moment due to a heavy snow storm, so a little cold rain was easy!  First Areta graciously hosted a luncheon for 11 of us in her beautiful home nearby and then we went off to the talk. 










Gretchen Hochmeister, Executive Director of that wonderful library is shown below to my left with Nicole Thornton on my right in front of a portrait of Maria Hotchkiss who gave the Library to the town in 1893 in honor of her late husband, Benjamin Berkeley Hotchkiss.  Nicole worked miracles with the technology and had everything all set up and ready to go.  A lovely reception for all followed while I sold and signed books.