In his column “My View” in the July/August issue of American Fine Art Magazine, my friend, Jay E. Cantor has recognized the underlying art theme in the stories of so any of the heroes profiled in my book, Heroes of Horticulture: Americans Who Transformed The Landscape. Here is Jay, sitting at my table at Wave Hill with my daughter-in-law, Laurel Watts and my husband, Charlie. In his latest article titled “Make Our Garden Grow,” Jay writes about his own garden and his personal gardening journey, while observing that “many of the most engaging and successful gardeners, or at least those of my own acquaintance, have been deeply committed to the visual arts — as practicing artists and architects, curators, museum directors and collectors.” An art historian and consultant himself, Jay highlights several of the heroes in my book who are kindred spirits, namely Frank Cabot, Tom Armstrong, Gregory Long, Lynden Miller, Marco Polo Stufano and Stephen Byrns. You can read the article here Jay Cantor-1.