I was delighted to be invited to sign my new book at the NYBG Garden Arts and Antiques Fair Preview Party on the evening of May 3, 2018. Here I am with one of my special heroes in my book, Gregory Long, the brilliant leader of NYBG for now 29 years who is just stepping down at the end of June. And here I am with my books ready to sign inside the tent — it was 92 degrees outside the tent and quite a challenge inside! But an enthusiastic crowd of patrons and NYBG supporters were there in large numbers and at least it was generally dry until we were surprised by a sudden storm as the event was ending. A chance to see many friends and meet new ones and share my excitement about my heroes, one of whom is of course, Gregory Long, the amazing President of NYBG who is stepping down at the end of June after a brilliant run of 29 years!