St. Paul’s is an historic Church in the center of Woodbury, Connecticut and extraordinary volunteers organize an impressive book sale which includes a schedule of book talks by several authors. I was honored to be invited to speak on Sunday, June 22 at 11:30 AM by Marianna Daniels who is pictured with me standing in front of the sign along Main Street just outside the Church. It was such a beautiful day so I apologized to the audience for bringing them indoors but I told them that the beautiful slides would help make amends. Afterwards I was delighted to sell and sign many copies of my book and then go down to the basement where thousands of books were on offer, all carefully arranged in categories. Judy Harmon mentioned that there was a special section of books by Eric Sloane since she knew he had once lived in my house. You can see here with my pile and quite a lot of them followed me home to add to our incomplete collection of books by Eric Sloane, including one he had signed.