The Weather Gods certainly smiled on the St. Paul’s Church benefit held at Brush Hill for a first time offer of a stroll with wine and food in the gardens. Mariana Daniels first asked me if they could use Brush Hill as a venue, after I gave a book talk for St. Paul’s awhile ago. She and the other volunteers did a masterful job of organizing this event and the weather was spectacular. As was the long table of delicious and beautiful presented food offerings prepared by these volunteers. After selling tickets for 120 people, they had to turn away more. The event went on from 4 PM to 7 PM and people fanned out to find places to sit, some shown in the Moon Garden drawn by the music of the splashing fountain and others sought out the Folly. A trio discovered my granddaughter, Skye’s potager which she designed when she was 6; now that she is 12, she has ceded a small portion to her younger brother, Charlie, now age 10.