At the very kind invitation of Margaret Carnwath, shown above with me, I gave a slide show and talk about my book, Heroes of Horticulture: Americans Who Transformed the Landscape for The City Gardens Club of the City of New York on Monday, September 23, a beautiful Fall day. Here below Margaret and I stand together with the Club President, Melissa Cook. I was happy to be received by both of them and a very warm and welcoming audience. Margaret has just begun as Chair of the Lecture and Tea series the Club sponsors all year and later gave me the great compliment of saying this had been a terrific launch to her future role. The event was held in the very handsome building that houses the New York Junior League, originally the handsome Georgian style home of one of the Astor family. Kerri Hall and Stephanie Basdeo, who are part of the New York Junior League team, did marvels with having all the technology working perfectly for my talk to begin. Afterwards, a very elegant tea was served downstairs with delicious tea sandwiches and sweets.