I was delighted to be asked to speak to a special meeting when all three of the garden clubs of Weston come together. I was invited by Terri Hupalo on behalf of the Country Garden Club of Weston but the event on Thursday, April 17, 2014, included the other two garden clubs, namely the Weston Garden Club and the Community League Garden Club. Three garden clubs for a town with a population of only 11,000! Quite an impressive commitment on behalf of the people of Weston to support three garden clubs. Above I am pictured standing with the three Presidents, Lisa Larkin who introduced my talk to the gathering, President of the Country Garden Club of Weston, Heather Mahoney, President of the Community League Garden Club and Dee Freiberg, President of the Weston Garden Club and immediately below, with Terri and Lisa. We had a good turnout in the First Parish Church of Weston, a wonderful venue indeed both for the talk and the impressive array of tempting food offered beforehand. My husband and I had been sharing the flu so I was feeling fortunate that I was able to speak despite feeling a bit shaky to such a vibrant and enthusiastic audience.