I was so impressed with the agenda for the Stamford Garden Club. I was delighted to be invited by Maureen Fitzpatrick, shown here with me and the Club’s President, Valeria Mead. Valerie just happens to be English (originally from Bath) so knew the setting for my subject very well and understood about Royal protocol as described in the opening chapter of my book. I spoke to the Club at The Bartlett Arboretum in Stamford, Connecticut on Tuesday May 13 right after a very full meeting, including an exhibition of impressive garden photographs alongside beautiful flower arrangements that were being judged, with many reports of ongoing and future activities of this very engaged group. Dianne Farley was my saviour on the technology side. But she also had taken the initiative to personally make shades to block out the light so the slides on the screen could really be appreciated. It was a treat to be with this lively group.