Wilmington Garden Club Visit June 22, 2017

A delightful group from the Wilmington Garden Club arrived on a beautiful day to be greeted by the Delaware flag flying above our front door. Charlie likes to welcome visitors from other states and countries by flying their flag, and this time it was special, as he grew up on the outskirts of Wilmington and has most of his family still living there.   The group walked in from the parking field and we gathered in the driveway overlooking the pond for a brief welcome before entering through the garden gate.  IMG_9161 IMG_9162Many of them knew some of their Robinson neighbors who happened to be Charlie’s siblings.

It could not have been better weather and the Pantry did the usual honors by delivering delicious box lunches for everyone.  Again, an excuse for Charlie to break out the IMG_9165wine and beer, carrying bottles around to each person as they spread out to find seats for their picnic.  IMG_9167 IMG_9163


One group found the terrace at the front of the house and Charlie led another up to what he calls the Pinnacle, overlooking the pond and high enough to catch the breezes.  None escaped his offer of wine.  Most extraordinary of all, virtually every person later sent a personal note of thanks.  I was very touched — and Charlie was not at all surprised that his hometown produced such classy people!    IMG_9169 IMG_9171